So you want a pug puppy

pug puppy imageBefore you purchase your Pug puppy, consider why you want a Pug in the first place. It will greatly determine what sort of puppy and what sort of Pug breeder you are looking for. Simply searching for Pug puppy breeders will not necessarily guarantee you your desired result.

Naturally you will want a pedigree Pug puppy. Buying a pedigree Pug from an accredited breeder is the best way of being certain that you are going to get what you pay for. Unlike simply buying a Pug – or any other breed of dog if it comes to that – without a pedigree certificate, if you buy a pedigree Pug puppy you have a reasonable idea what your adult Pug will look like because pictures of adult Pugs abound, especially on the internet.

All puppies look cute, especially Pug puppies. Trust us, if you see one, you’ll want one! But you need to know what your Pug is going to look like when it is fully grown. You also need to know, as far as possible, that you are buying a healthy puppy. That is the main advantage of buying a Pug puppy with a pedigree certificate from a Kennel Club accredited and registered Pug breeder.

You also need to see the mother. That is important. If you see the mother then you have a fair idea how your pup will turn out. Does she have the right temperament to suit your lifestyle? Unless you are planning to show your Pug, breed standards don’t matter too much. It is your puppy’s temperament that is most important. The fact that your Pug might not be suitable for showing or fit the exact breed standards doesn’t matter a hoot if you want a happy, healthy, family pet. But at least by buying your Pug puppy from a specialist Pug breeder, you have a reasonable idea what you are going to get for your money.

pug-puppy-imageOf course if you are buying a Pug puppy for the purpose of showing it, then that is a different matter. You will want the best puppy your money can buy. But if you simply want a delightful and faithful family pet or companion dog, then a Pug can be hard to beat. And the best way of ensuring that is to buy your Pug puppy from an accredited Pug breeder, see the mother, check the pedigree certificate, and look forward to many years of happy Pug owning.

5 Responses to “So you want a pug puppy”

  1. Ahmad says:

    Please I’m looking for a pug bitch puppy to adopt, if you please have one email me ASAP.

  2. Sophie says:

    I’m looking for adoption pug dog! Only up to 3 years old please, as I want my pug dog playing with new pug dog as he’s been lonely a lot now he need a friend! X

  3. RICHARD ELSON says:

    We are looking for a pug as a family pet,preferably not a pup,but not to old,do you have any available,please help…………

  4. Anna says:

    I’m looking into getting a female pug that is the original color and not a cross of anything, also house trained and young do know any good sites that I could try?

  5. Sarah says:

    Could you please tell me if you have any pups please?

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